1·A successful transformation plan is usually accompanied by a comprehensive set of tools to facilitate process and development through each phase.
2·Patient disclosure, facilitated by the therapist, seems also to facilitate the process of normalizing.
3·Moving the view portion of the script into a template would facilitate maintenance since changing the template would be a more natural process to anyone involved, so that's what I'll do here.
4·Facilitate transition to an SOA-based architecture, as each layer in the architecture corresponds to a different process controller.
5·How anonymous blocks can facilitate the process of testing, prototyping, and troubleshooting of procedural code.
6·Money arises on the free market, as individuals on the market try to facilitate the vital process of exchange.
7·User interface prototypes can greatly facilitate the process of validating business use cases with users.
8·Do you think the China-India agreement will facilitate or obstruct the negotiation process?
9·A templating engine can facilitate this process by maintaining the static portion of the output in templates, while dynamically generating and positioning the changing portions.
10·The collaboration also aims to facilitate the decision process of the EU states in their attempt to simplify the introduction of a single pan-European patent.